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Improve your mobility, increase your performance and reverse things like tight shoulders and hips that can lead to back pain.

Join the FREE 4-Week Digital Barbell Mobility Challenge

What The 4-Week Digital Barbell Mobility Challenge Is:

  • A simple, effective, easy to follow 4-week mobility program to improve your mobility/flexibility and range of motion in overly tight muscles and connective tissues that can lead to pain and decreased performance in the gym.

  • Your chance to reverse poor posture, decrease chronic back discomfort, and gain mobility in your tight hips from sitting at a desk and using your phone.

  • A program to better your form on various exercises by strengthening your core and helping you move more fluidly.

  • Awesome and amazing.

  • 100% Free!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Who The Challenge Is For:

Do you find that it’s taking more time to get moving when you wake up or stand up from your desk?

Does your neck and low back hurt more often than it used to?

Are you noticing more nagging injuries in the gym?

How much more would you enjoy life if you didn’t have to deal with annoying pain?

Most of us find that we spend a lot of time sitting with poor posture.

That’s not good.

All of that sitting in the same position each day can lead to poor posture, overly tight shoulders and hips, and low back pain.

It may not seem like a big issue to you yet, but all of those things can add up over time and really limit your ability to enjoy day-to-day life.

Sound familiar?

Let’s be proactive and work on feeling and performing our best every day.

It starts by joining this free 4-week challenge!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

How The Challenge Will Work

Each week for 4 weeks you’ll get your simple, weekly mobility workouts emailed directly to you.

Your program will show you exactly which stretches/poses to do, and how long to do them for.

You’ll see video demos of everything, along with the points of performance to concentrate on.

Easy peasy.

You’ll only need 10-15 minutes per day.

You can expect to see improvements in your mobility, posture, coordination, muscle tightness, and confidence in movement by the end of this 4-week challenge.

By the end of the 4 weeks, you will have new movements and stretches in your arsenal to keep your body feeling its best, long after the challenge is over.

We will also be touching on some basic nutrition and training principles that will carry over into your journey of feeling your best.

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Why We Made This Challenge

Our goal for ourselves and our clients is to help them live a strong, healthy, active and independent life for as long as possible.

Many of us are now working from home and are stuck at a computer desk all day. More than ever, we’re also tied to our phones and tablets, which over time, can lead to issues with posture and back pain.

That pain can keep us from training and from enjoying life to the fullest.

Instead of popping pain killers first thing in the morning, we want to help you be proactive in your self-care, and give you tools and guidance to prevent and even reverse the negative side effects we’ll be working on.

That’s why we created a challenge to show you step-by-step how you can start making these positive changes right away!

We’ve found through coaching hundreds of people, that often the missing pieces are the guidance to start and some accountability along the way. That’s why we’ve created a private Facebook group for this challenge as well.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Why You Should Do This

Doing regular mobility work can help prevent injuries, improve your exercise technique, decrease pain and become stronger in and out of the gym.

When we’re not able to use our muscles in their full range of motion, they shorten and get tight over time.

When you train or use those tight muscles is every day life, they can’t do their intended job properly, and can sometimes lead to compromised form, pain and/or injury.

Regular mobility work can also help alleviate the neck, shoulder, and low back pain associated with prolonged sitting and a phone usage.

Yes, it is possible to wake up in the morning feeling fresh and pain-free. We are going to help get you there!

All you need to do is start.

What You Will Need

Just a stretchy band, a box, bench or chair and 10-15 minutes.